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A sports nutrition conference for everyone around the world

WE will bring the world together from West to East. This is the aim of this first truly global online sports nutrition conference. A stud-stunned line-up of speakers and low access fees are the tools to bring the World together in this sports nutrition conference on 13 and 14 June 2020.

“On 13 and 14 June, WE will bring world class speakers to your home

Why WE?

There is an increasing interest in sports nutrition and it is the topic off a lot of discussion. This discussion is partly factual and evidence-based but there is also a very large amount of information out there, that is not evidence-based. There are few true science conferences where the information is all evidence based, presented by the researchers themselves and where these researchers also have a direct connection with the athletes the information is intended for. For the vast majority of people this often means traveling and the costs ion this for many are prohibitively expensive. And we haven't even spoken about the conference fees, accommodation and so on. Therefore BF Eventos (Brazil) and mysportscience (UK) have joined forced to bring you world class sports nutrition science to your doorstep! WE will do everything to give you a similar or better experience, where you can learn from the best in the world. No travel, no expensive hotels and low registration fees will make this conference accessible for everyone around the world.

What is WE?

WE is essentially an online conference. You make sure you are logged in at the start of the lecture and you will be able to hear world leaders in the field of sports nutrition speak and you can ask questions through a chat. The conference will be in English but there will be simultaneous translation into Spanish and Portuguese. The presenters will use Powerpoint presentations. The goals is to discuss the science in understandable language and to discuss the practical implications and applications as well.

In summary we will have:

  • 11 world class speakers from all over the world

  • Superhot topics: from low carb to dietary nitrates, to race feeling, muscle building, periodising training and nutrition and more. Click here for the complete program.

  • Opportunity to ask questions and discuss

  • 3 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese) - simultaneous translation

  • Attend live AND get access for 10 days after the event

  • Free conference e-book

For the first registrants there is some bonus content! Check it out on the conference web site.

What can you expect?

As already mentioned the speakers are world class, not just their research experience is outstanding but they also have a real link with athletes and coaches in the field and thus know the importance of the translation form complex academic discussions to practical real-life solutions.

We will kick off on the 13th of June at 9AM East Coast Time (New York) with Professor Kevin Tipton, one of the leading researchers ion protein metabolism during exercise. Dr Tipton will probably discuss tat there are many more then 5 rules to optimise protein synthesis during exercise but buy giving him this title he will have to pick the 5 most important factors for us!

His talk will be followed by Dr Brad Schoenfeld (US) who will discuss muscle building across the life span. The process of muscle building changes as we get older and we will hear about the advice and the underlying science for different age groups. Brad is not only a researcher but also a coach and a great educator.

Then we will continue with Dr Inigo Mujika, who spends half of his life as a researcher and the other half as an advisor to many top athletes. Since planning our training and nutrition is becoming more and more important, he will address the topic of periodised training. He may also dispel some myths in this field along the way.

This will be followed up by a talk on periodising nutrition by Dr Trent Stellingwerff. Trent is working for the Canadian team and has an extraordinary talent in translating science into practice. He has done great research in this area but also has many real life stories to tell.

For the 5th and 6th talk of the first day of this conference we move to Australia. The first speaker does not need an introduction: Professor Louise Burke. One of the biggest names in the field of sports nutrition with an incredible amount of experience in the field as the lead performance nutritionists for Australia for many years and Olympic cycles. Louise will be tackling a topic that sparks controversy. So she will lay out what the latest is on low carb eating for athletes.

the second speaker from Australia is Dr Shona Halson who also worked at the Australian Institute of Sport as the Head ion Recovery. Now Shona will be talking to use about sleep, share the latest research and some practical takeaways about improving the sleep and recovery of athletes.

It will now be the end of day 1 for many, even though in Australia it will already be the 14th of June. The second day, we will start in Norway with Ina Garthe on a tremendously important topic: weight management in athletes. Ina works at Olympiatoppen and works with athletes as well as doing research. She can discuss the science but certainly also good practice when it comes to hanging weight of her athletes.

From Norway we move to Cape Town South Africa where Dr Andrew Bosch will discuss the role of muscle glycogen. The glycogen loading concept was introduced in the 1960. Now, more than 50 years later, what has changed? what have we learned? how have the guidelines changed? Is this concept still relevant?

After a break we will then discuss dietary nitrates and their possible effects on performance. An area that has received a lot of attention lately and where developments have been pretty rapid. So here we will get an update from Dr Anni Vanhatalo, originally from Finland but living in the UK. She has been researching this topic for many years has been at the forefront of the beetroot and dietary nitrate work in athletes from day 1.

After Anni, it will be my turn. I will take a practical approach to race nutrition planning. Planning is extremely important and a lot of factors need to be taken into account when personalising a race nutrition plan. Fortunately, this is an area where the science is quite advanced and we have a lot of answers so it is possible to bring together all the inputs to produce a "winning" race nutrition plan for each athlete's specific race.

We then hand over to Francis Holway in Argentina who will discuss a modern trend: eating plant based! What are the pros and cons? Should athletes consider this? It will be interesting to hear what Francis has to say because the biggest steak I have ever been served in my life was during a visit to Argentina!

And finally, last but certainly not least: Dr Keith Baar who will speak to us from California about nutrition for injury. Keith has published numerous extremely interesting papers about repair of connective tissue and several of his findings have resulted in promising new methods to accelerate recovery. Keith will update us on the latest. Keith has an incredible ability to make extremely complex molecular mechanisms easy to understand!

And that, will be the end of day two and the conclusion of the first WE Nutrition Conference! Brunno Falcao and I will wrap up in 15 min and summarise a hopefully amazing experience for you!

Next steps

There are limited places available so don't wait with registering. Also, we want this to be truly global. So please forward the invitations and conference links to other dieticians, nutritionists, students, scientists, athletes and coaches with an interest so we make sure that we are truly global! Help us to make this a returning successful event!

We can't wait to see you on 13 and 14 June!


If you want to find out  the best types of protein, optimal amounts, or timing. Click here 


Want to know more about nutrition for running. Click here.


If you want to know more about supplements, the benefits and the risks. Click here.

Sports nutrition

General sports nutrition topics can be found here.

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