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A list of almost 100 sport scientists on twitter

In October I posted a first version of a list with twitter handles of sports scientists who communicate science through social media (twitter). I made a start with a list and invited people to join this list. I have now updated the list with twitter handles of scientists that were not included the first time. You can download this from the link at the top of this page.

There are now almost 100 scientists on the list. I know there are many more, so please help me to complete this list!

Sports Scientists on twitter
Sports Scientists on twitter

It is great to see that we also have several inclusions now from the areas of sports psychology as my first version was heavy on physiology and nutrition. Not intentionally, I should add but simply because that is where I know more people. The list is dynamic and I hope that we can add more names to this list and continue to grow the list. The criteria for inclusion are listed on the top of the downloadable list.

The number of female scientists on the list is still small, so I would encourage in particular the female scientists to join the list! Here is a top10 list of Women in Sports Sciences on twitter:

Sports scientists on twitter

Please share with colleagues!

Criteria for inclusion

1. must be actively publishing (peer reviewed) in areas relevant to exercise and sports

2. must convey (predominantly) evidence based messages and vast majority must be sport science related

3. must have a minimum of 500 followers

Any suggestions can be emailed to


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